Chapter 28 - Death, Dying, and Awakening in The Beyond
their beginnings, their destiny, and
their promises. There, in that
judgment, they will feel the effects of
the fire that exterminates their evil
and that recasts them like gold in a
crucible, separating them from that
which is harmful or superfluous, and
all that is not spiritual.
43. When a spirit stops to listen to
the voice and judgment of its
conscience, verily I say to you that at
that moment it finds itself in My
44 That moment of rest, of serenity,
and of clarity does not come to all
spirits at the same time; some readily
enter into that self - examination and
in so doing avoid much grief; for
while they awaken to reality and
recognize their errors, they prepare
themselves and are ready to repair
even the last of their bad deeds.
45. While others, blinded, be it by
vice, by some resentment, or for
having lived an existence of sin, delay
coming out of their blindness.
46. Others, more dissatisfied,
believing they have been torn from
the earth before time, when all smiles
upon them, curse and blaspheme,
delaying their ability to free
themselves from confusion, and like
these, there are a great number of
cases that know only My wisdom.
(36, 47 - 51)
47. You shall have to answer for all,
and the more evil your works, the
more energetic the judgment you shall
receive from yourself; for I do not
judge you, that is false, it is your own
spirit in its lucid state that serves as
both your fearful prosecutor and your
terrible judge. It is I who defend you
against the confusion, and who
absolve and save you, because I am
the Love that purifies and pardons.
48. Think that very soon you will be
in spirit, and that which on this earth
you have sown, will also be what you
reap. The passing from this life to the
other does not fail to be a strict and
severe judgment for the spirit. None
escape that judgment, even He who
considers himself the worthiest of
49. My Will is that from the moment
you enter that infinite dwelling place
you cease to feel the anguishes of the
earth, and begin to feel the sweetness
and pleasure of having climbed
another step on the path. (99, 49 - 50)
50. The Final Judgment, as
interpreted by Humanity, is an error;
My judgment will not be of an hour
nor a day, it has weighed on you for
some time.
51. However, I tell you truly that the
bodies of the deceased, are dead, and
have returned to integrate themselves
in their own nature, for what is of the
earth, shall return to the earth, just as
the spiritual shall seek its dwelling
place, which is in My bosom.
52. Yet, I tell you also, that in your
judgment you will be your own
judges, for your conscience,
knowledge, and intuition will tell you
to what point you are worthy and
which spiritual dwelling you should
inhabit. You will see clearly the road
that you must take, for upon receiving
the light of My Divinity, you shall